On September 1, 2024, FRSA updated the annual rate ordinance to reflect the move to monthly billing. All rates remained the same. The amounts were amended to reflect a monthly, rather than a quarterly rate.
The average residential customers’ wastewater bill will will average $35.74 monthly, which equates to a quarterly bill of approximately $107.22 for 18Ccf (or 13,465 gallons) of wastewater service.
The monthly billing rate includes both the charge for volume; or the amount of wastewater assumed to be processed, which is reflected as the domestic charge, plus a customer charge of $ 8.47 per quarter or $2.82 per month.
Rates for industrial and commercial customers will vary by the specific use and the characteristics of the wastewater the user discharges. The rate for a residence on a private well is determined by the average municipal user rate for a like residence.
The annual rate charged to the customers reflects the need for FRSA to meet Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) mandates, which require that FRSA meet strict guidelines in eliminating phosphorus from wastewater; and the increasing costs in both the maintenance of an aging infrastructure and required capital improvement projects. For additional information, read the attached FAQ