
Four Rivers Sanitation Authority Employees

Office of the Executive Director 

The Executive Director oversees all operations at Four Rivers Sanitation Authority. With the support of the department directors and managers, the Executive Director plans, organizes, and directs all activities of FRSA, including long-range planning, budget and personnel development; and capital improvements. The Executive Director oversees all administrative functions, plant operations and maintenance, collection systems, customer service, and engineering.

The Executive Director is hired by and reports to the Board of Trustees. Call 815-387-7420 or email Administration to reach the Executive Director’s Office.

Collection Systems

Collection Systems is responsible for maintaining Four River Sanitation Authority’s extensive sewage system, which collects wastewater from FRSA’s customers. The sewer lines are repaired, cleaned, and inspected by the department. This department is also in charge of maintaining all FRSA vehicles and responding to sewer backups into homes, businesses, and other structures.

Collection Systems is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to report a sewage backlog. Collection Systems can be reached by phone at 815-387-7600 or by email.


The Engineering Department is in charge of managing all sewage service development within the Four Rivers Sanitation Authority, ensuring that new subdivisions, industrial and commercial facilities, and other developments have access to service. All new sewers, pumping stations, and treatment plant operations must be designed, or the design must be coordinated, by Engineering. Please visit our Bids page if you are interested in bidding on public sanitary sewer construction projects.

To contact Engineering, call 815-387-7660 or e-mail Engineering. To inquire about a connection permit, call 815-387-7555 or email Engineering.

Internal Services

Internal Services consists of FRSA’s legal and Information and Technology Services.

  • Legal: FRSA’s general counsel proves the legal expertise to allow FRSA to achieve its business goals. FRSA’s general Counsel covers a broad range of responsibilities including land acquisition, business contracts and agreements and employment law. To contact FRSA’s general counsel call 815-387-7562 or email Internal Services.
  • Information & Technology Services: The Information and Technology Services department supports the many Four Rivers Sanitation Authority departments by providing infrastructure and applications. Utility Billing, EPA Reporting, a Geographic Information System (GIS), Geospatial Positioning System (GPS), a Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS), and Sewer Inspection are among the almost 200 computers, 60 miles of fiber optic cabling, and approximately 400 programs it manages. A majority of the FRSA’s communication infrastructure, including a digital phone system, cell phones, radio telemetry, and web servers, are supported by the department. Call 815-387-7609 or send an email to IT Services.

Management Services

Management Services includes Financial Services, Purchasing and Human Resources.

  • Financial Services:  General accounting, accounts payable, and payroll operations are all part of Financial Services. Call 815-387-7474 or email to reach the FRSA’s Financial Services Department.
  • Human Resources: Human Resources facilitates employment health benefits, establishes human resources policies; advises FRSA departments and Department Heads on human resources matters; ensures a fair and equitable hiring process, and directs the creation of programs that promote employee development and enhance management skills for employees and supervisors throughout the organization. Call Human Resources at 815-387-7542 or send an email.
  • Purchasing
    Bids, proposals, and quotations for services, supplies, capital goods, and building projects are handled by the Purchasing department. Requests for proposals, ongoing bids, and other information may be found on the Bids and Proposals page. This information is provided for contractors, consultants, and vendors that may be interested. Call Purchasing at 815-387-7425 or send an email.

Plant Operations

Plant Operations includes Customer Service, Plant Operations & Plant Maintenance and the Industrial Waste Surveillance program (IWS).

  • Customer Service: Customer Service is in charge of billing the FRSA’s more than 75,000 residential clients. This involves examining water billing data from the FRSA’s six supported municipalities. This department is also in charge of residential and commercial bill collection, as well as the filing of liens and the cutoff of water. They also handle all billings and payments for special assessments. To contact Customer Service, call 815-387-7500 or send an email.
  • Industrial Waste Surveillance:  Sample technicians from the Industrial Waste Surveillance (IWS) program collect wastewater samples from FRSA customers. These samples are used to check that businesses follow all applicable rules and regulations. These samples are also used to compute each company’s Wastewater Characteristics, which are used to determine the amount billed. The IWS department is also in charge of coordinating the FRSA’s reaction to a dangerous chemical leak that might end up in the sewers. Call 815-387-7640 or send an email.
  • Laboratory:  Using a modern, sophisticated environmental laboratory, Four River Sanitation Authority’s laboratory examines wastewater from FRSA customers and the facility itself. These samples are utilized to confirm that FRSA’s cleansed wastewater meets or exceeds all EPA criteria before being discharged into the Rock River.  Call 815-387-7423 or send an email.
  • Plant Operations: The operation and maintenance of the FRSA’s 100-acre treatment facility at 3333 Kishwaukee Street. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) requires treatment plant operators to be licensed. Mechanics, electricians, and technicians make up the Maintenance Department. Call 815-387-7630 or send an email to reach Plant Operations or the Maintenance Department.