Starting a New Business

Four Rivers Sanitation Authority employees reviewing blueprints on a computer

Any new industrial or commercial enterprise for any sort of usage, as well as any business or industry that will have a change of use, extra flow, or a process modification from its current condition, will require an Industrial/Commercial Application. Any residential building with five (5) or more units also must submit an application. Plumbers, businesses and consultants frequently request these forms. 

The Sampling Manhole Form, which is necessary for specific types of industry and company, is a complement to this Application. Inspection, sampling, and wastewater flow measurement are all possible with the use of sample manholes.

This is part of the standard service connection permit process. Contact Engineering or call 815-387-7660.

You may also need to submit extra permits and forms depending on your company type and the type of sewage it releases.

Redeveloping or Starting a Business in an Existing Building

BUSINESSFirst is a partnership between the City of Rockford, Winnebago County, the Winnebago County Health Department, the Small Business Development Center, and the Four Rivers Sanitation Authority that helps entrepreneurs rebuild or start new businesses in existing properties. 

Go to BUSINESSFirst to meet with all of these partners in one place at the same time.