Bids and Proposals

Four Rivers Sanitation Authority Building

Bids and The Bidding Process

Below you will find an active list of current Requests for Bids (RFB), Requests for Proposals (RFP), Requests for Information (RFI), and Requests for Quotations (RFQ) available from Four Rivers Sanitation Authority. As new RFBs, RFPs, RFIs, and RFQs become available, we will update the list.If you have questions regarding any of the bids you see, the Purchasing and Engineering departments who oversee the process of seeking bids, proposals, and quotations for services, supplies, capital items, and construction projects for Four Rivers, and therefore the acquisition of supplies, services, and equipment. Using the contact form below will get you in contact with the respective departments.

Terms & Conditions

Unless the seller obtains FRSA’s prior written authorization to the contrary, the seller agrees to all of the following terms and conditions covered in Purchasing Purchasing Terms & Conditions

It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to understand their responsibilities under the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act.

Bid & proposal details, including deadlines, requirements and status can be found in the supporting documents.

Questions or Comments:

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or need more information, don’t hesitate to use our Contact page, and one of our team members will be in touch as soon as possible.

Otherwise, you can always visit, call, or fax our Purchasing Department at the Graceffa Administration Building.

Four Rivers Sanitation Authority – Purchasing Department
Graceffa Administration Building 
3501 Kishwaukee Street
Rockford IL 61109
Phone 815-387-7425
Fax 815-387-7538 

Open Bids and Proposals

The following information is for review purposes only. FRSA makes no representations or warranties for any information provided by a third party. Any potential bidder interested in a project should contact FRSA directly.